Intro to ADDIE

The ADDIE process is a project management standard in Instructional Design. ADDIE is an acronym that stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Sometimes it can also be shown as PADDIE+M, which adds Planning and Maintenance to the mix.

Here are a few links with an overview of ADDIE:

I have had the opportunity to utilize the ADDIE model in my work as a training specialist, but can see it really shining particularly in digital learning platforms. I have found that the PADDIE+M model fits my organizational needs a bit better. I develop trainings for middle school & high school health teachers implementing their sexual and reproductive health units. My work has me interacting with teachers, principals, district staff, as well as other community based organization staff working on this project. Adding the structure that PADDIE+M provides allows us to move along a somewhat linear path, and incorporate feedback while still centering forward motion in the project. 

Because there are so many people, from various organizations, involved in the project, a robust Planning phase goes a long way. Here, we can set expectations, shared goals, and be on the same page regarding schedule.

After those essentials are set, we can move on to Analysis, by focusing on our target audience (Is this for brand new teachers? Experienced ones? Both?), and learning objectives. 

The Design stage often takes the longest in my experience - especially when working with a large group of partners. It is such a gift to work with so many passionate sexual health educators, but this can often lead to people wanting to include a tremendous amount of content to any training (see my SME needs below!). Narrowing the focus, and agreeing upon a cohesive training flow can be quite the ordeal!

Once we have a general design, I begin upon the Development stage and start putting our design to work. This phase includes a lot of testing and feedback from others, and a lot of troubleshooting and revision.

From there, we move forward to Implementation. This includes training the trainers, and preparing any needs materials and resources.

In regards to Evaluation, we use Google Forms as a method of gathering for both synchronous and asynchronous digital training experiences. This feedback, in addition to trainer experiences, help guide any future revisions.

My non-profit, grant-based, work has a large focus on sustainability. The Maintenance phase is crucial in finding ways for this work to exist beyond ourselves. Having trainings hosted on different school district's LMS, sharing links to recordings, etc. all help maintain our work for the future.


Working with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)


Online Communication Tools